Bheki Cele urged to act harshly against cop killers

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) has urged South African people to help law enforcement agencies arrest and prosecute criminals who are responsible for the killings of police officers.

Nehawu general Zola Saphetha made the call following the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (Popcru) 9th national congress in which Zizamele Cebekhulu was retained as president. Saphetha said that Nehawu had no doubt that Popcru during the congress deliberated on strategies and tactics to improve the working conditions and salaries of its members in the South African Police Service [SAPS], Correctional Services and Traffic workers.

Saphetha said they would study the resolutions and outcomes of the 9th National Congress and we will engage Popcru on a comprehensive plan on how to defend public sector jobs and salaries.

“It is not a fluke or luck that Popcru remains the biggest union within the criminal justice cluster. For more than 30 years Popcru has gallantly defended its members and has played a pivotal role in the struggle for the attainment of civil rights for both workers and the public in general.

“Just like all our sister unions, Popcru will at all material times have a reliable ally in Nehawu who is always ready to do battle and to wage a relentless war in defense of workers and the working class,” Saphetha said. He said Nehawu was calling on Police Minister Bheki Cele to put measures in place to ensure the safety of police officers.

“More than twenty-six police officers have been killed in South Africa since the start of the year and over the past 20 years more than 160 police officers have been killed annually. Nehawu calls on all South Africans to work together with law-enforcement agencies to ensure that perpetrators of these heinous crimes are arrested and face the full might of the law,” Saphetha said.

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